Virtual Pinnacle Project Conference Guidelines
Welcome to the 2020-2021 Pinnacle Project Conference website! This website was created to allow for a collection of the finished 8th grade Summit Capstone Projects. Typically, the conference would be held in our school during a celebration of learning. However, due to COVID restrictions, we are presenting a virtual gallery.
Pinnacle was modified quite a bit this year due to the pandemic, with virtual meetings and events and shortened timelines; amidst all of these challenges, the students showed incredible growth in research, entrepreneurial skills, and independent drive. There is a lot to be proud of in these projects, and we welcome students, parents, and community members to peruse the impressive student work.
Summit students have guidelines for providing feedback on their Schoology page. Additional viewers are welcome to use our Contact page, on this website, to email the Summit administration for connection with specific students or providing feedback.
Congratulations to all Summit students in completing their projects!